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About Me, Blogging



As far as I'm concern, I'm not a linguistic type. I'm so visual and love listening, but not reading. I don't read books except easily consumed novels and comics, perhaps those short factual news or article and some biographies--well I certainly love feeding m y brain w/ some globalization issue and how the world shapes out. But that's it. I don't like reading philosophy or things that are too abstract to absorb. Well, Point is, I don't read as much, maybe that's why I'm so much jumbled.

So, A priori, I should say, Writing, for me, is an arduous job. Really is.

Another one, Kenapa juga saya agak gak enakeun menulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. I don't know why. A Big Probable it's due to my very brief way of thinking, terlalu pendek untuk dijelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang sedikit tidak efisien dalam berkata-kata. Not shallow, just brief. Yeah, I know. Brevity is for the weak. So I'm weak. pardon. And another big probable is simply coz I can't. Not capable. Not that I could write in English better, still.

About Writing

If I had to choose between making short fictive story against doing paper assignment, I'd probably choose the latter one. I really would. It's just because I'm not an expert in putting mumbles of my imagination in words--though the ideas goes like cannonballs in my head! . I'd rather learn though references, analyze, and jot it down, the way it is. Totally practical I am, eh? ato emang males aja? ^_^. Another probable, I have no genes in writing. My parents don't read, don't buy books, especially write. But I may be different after all, may I not?

About typing

As I told you, I have troubles in transfering what's in my mind into words. Using pencil, and especially keybord!. The pulse between my brain n my finger tip goes r e a l s l o w . I don't like typing what's in my mind and seeing font by font emerging on the flickering monitors. I might don't type as fast, or maybe as I said, my mind's to jumbled and paragraphs in word processing is just too way neat! I'd say it might be much easier to jot things down using pencil and paper, scratch here and there, scribble all the way through my writing. I just don't like moving my hand to mouse(or 'tetikus' as malay says) and back doing backspace, copy, paste, delete, back again to type, here and there, back and forth, I'm doing it too way much.

About Writing a Blog

Blog. It's there since the era of internet started, it bloom, booms, and less likely recess in this near period. Of course not. Everything goes global, even you and your brain opens and make yourself exposed to the outer world, as what you do Blogging, or making even Friendster account. Is it a good sign? Well, semoga kita gak di goBlog-goBlogin Blog, and Hopefully opening ourselves is a good sign that we could learn and share from each other--for good sake. Finger crossed everyone!!

About this blog
Have you ever thought about brain-defragmanter, an Oohh-ahh-future-device that makes your brain well structured in instant, so that everytime you need it, you'll grab it faster, whatever it is. Not jumbled out, bewildered even in your own white-tissued-skull. Like mine everytime. Like, even, n o w. This blog is my so called Brain-Defragmanter, a device to mend my scattered brain.

It'll be loaded w/ graphic coz I'm so visual and can't stand jumbled html page with plain words.

About me

Males dah. mending cek friendster gw aja dah. gih.


It's intimidating for me, writing a Blog. But I'll let you judge, anyway, how I write, and how my mind shapes. Now that you could see all the clumsiness. :p

So, here I am, trying to write. For a better change of me, and hopefully, a slight bit of you.
So, happy joy joy enjoy
Say : Hello UBz!


posted by scttrBrain
9:40 PM

1 put off the silence...Comment!!

Finally It Made My Day...


Yesterday--(well, sekarang jam 1 pagi), jadi yesterday itu maksudnya Jum'at 3 Februari 2006--lumayan bikin gw rontok2 senyum. Hm..gak segitunya sih. Tapi mari gw ceritakan mumpung daku masih melek n pingin ngetik.

Pk. 07.00 - Prambanan Jakarta

Gw bingung, maw workshop, tapi setelahnya harus pulang ke Bandung tercinta. Harus bawa diktat segede edan plus gembolan segede babi dong? Berat betul. Mana hari ini dresscode gw pinky-black, sedang gembolan gw beigy-beigy. Tak nyambung. Gak asik ah.

Kalau balik dulu ke kos setelah workshop, bisa gak jadi malem ini baliknya...haaahh..Aku pengen pulaaanng...

Oh, titip aja gembolan babinya di Sarinah, ntar selese workshop ambil langsung ke Gambir. Plan yang asyik. Praktis, style terjaga, punggung-bahu sehat. Satu yang jadi critical path. Berarti pagi ini jadwalku ditentukan oleh jadwal buka Hero di Sarinah. 8.30 kali ye..

Ah peduli, coba aja. Mandi, packing, cabut ke Sarinah!!

pk. 08.45 - Sarinah

eng...ing...eng...TUTUP. Jam berapa dong bukanya? setengah 10 katanya. Halah. Kelamaan. Workshop starts at 9!! Peduli bagong ma style langsung gw ngabrit ke Busway n ikut sampe Glora Bung Karno.

Hmmhh...plan utama gagal. Kecele juga karena tetep harus bawa gembolan babi yang bikin rontok bahu n punggung. Gak matching lagi. Halah brit, 'cem 'cem aj...

pk 09.15 - Graha Niaga

Lagi-lagi, Ubrit masih manusia karet. Resolusi yang kembali jadi resolusi, dan belum jadi solusi di awal tahun ini.

Masih mikirin style....Walau sudah kadung bawa tu gembolan babi selama perjalanan kemari, tetep juga gw usaha nitip ke satpam di bawah--yang mukanya sok-sok heran, dikira teroris mungkin.

Boleh dilihat mbak isinya?

Ya, terserah pak, baju, maw keluar kota.

(Hehe, ngeri juga kalo undies gw--yang didalam tas, bo--diudek2 satpam, hihihi)

Sudah serasa orang Jakarta aja, sok2 keluar kota. Anyway, minimal dengan nitipin gembolan babi itu ke satpam, pagi itu gw masuk kelas rada2 with style.....walo sudah telat 15 menit....

kalo kata Atied,

"Everything you do, do it with style".


Arteri gw mengecil 'n tekanan darah gw dah naek gara2 simulasi workshop sore itu. Saatnya pulang. Rencana awal gw : nyobain jalur busway baru koridor 2 n 3 untuk ke Gambir, toh Jauh dekat - pindah2 koridor busway sama aja harganya. hmmhh...Satu bahasan menarik nih. Hebat sekali Jakarta punya public transport yang jauh dekat sama harganya. Padahal di Singapur, curi2 turun bus beda satu halte aja (beda 25c), dendanya gileee..Jadi, Bagus apa jelek ya? ya gw sih merasa untung karena trayek gw mayan jauh.

Anyway, rencana itu hanya rencana karena harus turun di Tosari, ke officenya expat Australi temen nyokap disitu. Halah. bikin susah aja. Turun, jalan, jalan balik lagi, naek busway lagi. Bayar dobel, punggung rontok, bahu leklok, kaki gempor. Tapi BEGONYA lagi, gw setelahnya masih keukeuh naek busway lagi--sudah tau jam segitu tu rush hour. Alhasil, karena dodolnya gw, gw harus antre 30 menit di Tosari sampe akhirnya gw bisa naek ke atas busway. Crowded abis. Bahu-leher nyut-nyutan bawa gembolan, otot bisep makin mantep nggantel. Belum lagi pas sampe Sawah Besar n harus pindah koridor, ngeliat antreannya kek nonton premier film LOTR. Panjang betul!!..Ilfil dah aye.

Sedikit aku merasa beruntung pagi itu tidak jadi menitipkan barang di Sarinah, yang berarti aku harus berkali-kali naik turun Busway.

Well, Gw pun bersungut-sungut keluar dari busway station n naek bus alakadarnya. 2000 perak sampe Gambir, walo harus rela ditereak2in kenek karena gw yang keukeuh berdiri di pintu (karena emang Gambir kan deket), n gembolan gw bikin sumpek orang-orang sekitar.

Uhm...Disini gw merasa sedikit egois. Kecenderungan kita (well, mungkin hanya gw juga,hehe), yang suka maksa duduk ato berdiri di deket pintu, gak peduli ternyata orang yang berdiri lebih dalem ternyata keluar lebih cepet. Denger2 sih kalau di Jepang orang langsung dengan self-concious untuk ngisi yang paling dalem. Udah seperti sistem First In First Served lah. Hmm...kapan watak kita seperti itu?


2 jam, dari Glora Bung Karno ampe Gambir. Helluva Journey! jakarta...jakarta....ckckck..

anyway, this is the last part.

Akhirnya gw sampe Gambir, dengan badan bermandi keringat--beneran mandi,punggung-bahu serasa bisa tiba-tiba retak, dan kaki gempor. Tadinya aku pengen ngejar kereta Bisnis. Tapi berhubung berangkatnya masih satu stengah jam lagi, dan badanku sudah capek bin gembrobyos, aku pun melirik kreta eksekutif Argo Gede.

Ternyata, 'Tempat Duduk Habis'. Arrrgghh....Hmmh..apapun lah, yang penting ada AC nya untuk ngeringin keringet ma baju...hahaha...masalah duduk dimana, pikirin nanti saja, pikirku, lagi-lagi pikiran dangkal bin bego sambil menyodorkan duit 75ribu ke loket.

Tiba-tiba seorang Bapak-bapak menghampiri,

Adik mau ke Bandung juga? Temen bapak tidak jadi, mari sama bapak saja, nanti tiketnya diatas.

Hooh....Asiikk..Minimal gw dapet tempat duduk, tidak terancam nangtung sampai Bandung!

Malah lebih baik, ketika di kereta, ternyata Bapak pensiunan aseli Bandung itu memberikan tiket itu dengan harga 50ribu saja....Eksekutif dengan harga bisnis! Gw hanya bisa senyum memikirkan keberuntungan setelah seharian merasa sue.

It's make my day. Alhamdulillah.....

Yah, begitulah. Sambil sedikit basa-basi, Kereta pun melaju....

Mata mulai berat....dan baju pink-ku mulai kering.....

*) image : comotan. not my work.

posted by scttrBrain
12:52 AM

1 put off the silence...Comment!!

. m . e . m . e . n . t . o .


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