
It turns out the longest posting..hawhehee..!! Hweehhe!
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posted by scttrBrain
7:29 AM
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Fumes outta Loco
I just shrugged and she added a lil more,"I've never done that.".
"Have You?"
"Sure ,"I'd replied. after a brief pause.

I know, we may be living outta our smoke here in Indonesia. Despite the intoxicating fume, I do put high contemplation on this industry : The market is so high--esp kretek, the tax's soaring, the benefits of tobacco plants for the labour and the society in the whole is of course, undeniable. The tobacco industry is still the second largest employer after government!. Awch. And isn't it verrryy easy to gain sponsorship from tobacco company?! how lucrative they are! And mind my quoting.
If this pattern of expenditure has continued to this day it is not feasible to argue that Indonesian people are gaining economically simply by being employed by the industry. Their income could be more fruitfully directed towards building other more worthwhile sectors of the economy. Instead, Indonesians are paying for the tobacco industry with their lives, simply sustaining the billionaires who exploit them (Catherine Reynolds)
Labels: good to know
posted by scttrBrain
4:30 AM
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Second Energy Booster

I'll just tell you.
It's VCO, Virgin Coconut Oil.
ihihi..anyway. My family is using it. We're spreading the ..er.. so called 'elixir' to our relatives elsewhere. As we know, and we have witnessed it's effectiveness in everything. You name it! Curing Diebetes, Hipertension, Gaining Weight, Dieting, Muscle Strain, Whatever maladies may go. Of course, with a taste of FAITH. no no. just kidding (but of course it's needed)... ihihi... it really works! Try a sip once a day. And you'll feel the difference. And, it's safe! It might taste a lil...icky..hehe. but it's alrite. You only take a sip a day anyway. It's not like choking yourself with a jug of 'jamu kunyit'. You can even mix it up with your dishes. Just don't cook with it. It'd be useless.
Anyway. a lil precaution. For you who DO have illnesses. Prepare for the reaction which might be..enduring. It works like detox. If you're healthy, then It would certainly boosts your energy. But when you're not, it detox your body. VERY effectively. So people might get skeptical in their--actually--remedition. But if not...HURRAY!! Then you ARE healthy as horse! hawehah...
er...Do I sound like a salesman? hm? Neah..Hm...
But, it's very important to choose a good oil though. The bad ones wouldn't stay long. It changes color, and taste bad. I always buy mine from Biology ITB. Good Ones. Cheers!! FOR HEALTHIER LIFE!! HOHOHO
Labels: good to know
posted by scttrBrain
5:09 PM
0 put off the silence...Comment!!
I Checked it out,
Totally Impressive.
I'm sharing it to you now...Check it OUt Guyz!
I might wanna add something up later...
Reminds me of uhm...Man In Black credit scene...ihihi...
Labels: good to know
posted by scttrBrain
10:59 AM
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