Stocking Transparent Cellotape
In a post of 2008's new year *well in fact, it's still in this page, see how unproductive blogger I am on the whole of 2008 and this first half of 2009!!^_^*..., I wrote ....
"the alteration of the year usually become the time when we wrap what we already had at that time,
Start to open a new wrapping sheet, Design what kinda gift we would want to wrap up in the end of the next termine, the next new year"
I kinda did it. I opened a wrapping sheet in gold bright motives I really liked. Wide enuff as to contain my box of dream that year. That golden box, had been there for quite some time. I wanted it. badly. If my heart could scream, it would have. Loud it would have been.
And then.... the wrapping began...I put the box on top the wrapping sheet, composed it carefully..., plied the wrapping sheet and in each ply, cellotaped it with prayings day and nite and sheer faith that God would hear me pray. Of course. He's so giving. And I, too got the answer. It was what I'd wanted. that golden box was a new chaptre of a book, scribbled already, but it was a new chaptre!! Like a kiddo being told a new fairy tales, I was gleefully starting to read it, out loud--page by page.
But that kiddo was crying as the end of the fairy tales was a horrifying end. sparing nightmares. Hei.., but luckily I took notice...this fairy tales book is different. It gives several storylines. You remember illustrated book when you were a kid, you're the actor and there'd be options below the pages, on which act you'd choose to pursue according to what your heart tells you, following to different pages and hence different endings? This is likewise. A multistoryline fairy tales book. No matter how hard you try to pick which action you'd pick in every bottom of the page, you still cannot expect what awaits you in the following page. But as all fairy tales with God as the director, whatever story it is, it is exciting--and indeed, life is :). And we're mere actors huney, we're supposed to just read thru the script and play along.
I wanted that bright coloured sheet and that golden box. I wanted it badly. And at the end of the year I turned out having a gift wrapped in a black sheet. As the wrapping may look un-enticing, and the dope black sheet was not really pleasant to the eyes-though it was nicely plied..., I carefully opened it, peered inside and I was .....I was ...awed by glittering rainbow coloured box inside, a box I've never seen in any window I'd run thru in my past life....and all the while, I say T h a n k Y o u --I smiled...despite it's non golden state. ---n ssshh...Ah, and in fact, I truly love its magenta! *maw* ;p
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posted by scttrBrain
2:13 PM
1 put off the silence...Comment!!