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On those labeled XS.S.M.L.XL


What?.....oh, we're talking bout Size?! What Size?

It's the ultimate discussion topics among..err..girls. women par exact.

oh, ok. THAT size.

No, No...not THAT size. (whatever you're thinking about :p hehe)

We're talking bout the size of EVERYthing. every inch.From head to toe that is.

It does matter doens't it? each inch?

Hm... YEa. IT. IS. I believe.

And so would majorities of people would think.

Don't deny it. Everytime girls gather round, if it's not gossiping or shopping, this issue will emerge, don't ask me why. There's always been the urge. You boys would certainly have been in a situation where you goes like,"Why are you girls talking bout that all the time?!". Don't be a hypocrit, I know you guys are in fact equally concern bout your sizes as well, don't you? Hehe.

Some people, well, in fact most women are not satisfied with their current weight and, there must be something about their body that they're not comfortable with. Myself is very much cautious of my weight. I'm not genetically skinny. Being fat, is in the gene. my every auntie goes *sorry for the pick-o-word* 'swollen' after they delivered their first baby. My weight has been increasing steadily over the years. one kilo for each year. I wonder what would happen later on. ~_~.

But anyway, I'm happy with my current weight. Had been trying to put off some..but never made it. well if it HAD had succeed one day--yes, it had, once or twice--,It was because I was hardly sleeping for 3 days, or,was ill, or, was having diarhea for sometimes. Of course, then, I'd shriek happily , "Iyeeii!!"...and would immediately go jogging to Sabuga, to burn some more and always, I'd be flaked out-of-breathe only after 3 laps jogging. Urgh. And go eat afterwards. Hh...Hehe. So I'll stay tune. I HAVE to be happy.

Heh? It's not the issue, though.

I hate mannequins. beauty magazines. ads. anything goes with 'diet' : diet-tea, diet pills, low-fat-sugar, in coffees, in waffers, in biscuits, fashionTV.Their ads. tsk. They surely promote low self esteem! Despite the default BMI calculation that your weight should equal to your height minus (100 + 10% your height), due to constant exposure to things stated above, girls nowadays would dream for another 5 to 10 or moreover for those walking on the catwalk, might dream for even 30 kilos lower(!) than suggested. I wonder how it sounds, having 30 kilos below you're supposedly fit. I bet It'd go "click clack cluck" everytime you move! Not to mention all the risks : Bulimic, anorexic, Myelin shrunken by aspartam, Impotency, and of course, all the favour you tounge would miss for not eating G-O-O-D Meals, and they have to pay more for those diet packs!!, twicefold the grieve! Beauty if no doubt, painful. But is it that worth it? What's your aim exactly? If it's not for mere health and being fit, what else? for the sake of what people 'see' of what's ideal? Hard. H a r d .

Undeniably, people perception on the 'ideal' --if there's such thing as ideal- size has shifted time to time. Imagine Maria Antoinette, or any Greek sculptures. They'd have a figure of a 'nowdays' fat lady. It represents wealth back then, and no doubt, it's perceived as beautiful--Of course! d-Uh, they're making sculptures outta them!. But now, it's simply not ideal. Why? since when? I also wonder.

Have you tried weight machine that goes say your state of weight after you put in coins? The machine would say OUT LOUD, whether you're 'overweight', 'OK', or 'slim', according to your height and weight. I've tried that once in a hip plaza downtown (saahh..blah!). First humiliation,putting the coin itselves would make "Cling cling" soundFX, crazily LOUD, loud enough to make anyone in 10 meter radius turns their head, thinking "who's on the machine?", and watch. Then you'll be observed and after few pause, there goes the statement. I, in that circumstance would hope have that I'd be called "slim" instead of "OK". Why? I dunno. I guess slim is finer than OK. How come? Is it just me? If it's not, why most dress always looks good in slim people? Is it because the designer's made em based on manequin's figure or catwalk models? Yea. No wonder. It might be, uh, tragically.

Supporting the global concern on body size, Discovery channel had done some research. I'd watched the program long time ago, but here's what I remember. They asked buncha peoples to categorize several portraits into 'not so beautiful' and 'beautiful'. They concluded there are patterns : They specified several attributes such as 1)symmetry. People having each parts of their body symmetrical to the other side, supposedly are more beautiful. It also occurs in vast kinds of bugs, where they prefered mates with symettrical patterns on both sides. 2) Rare. People with figures or colours uncommon to their environment, are regarded more beautiful. That's why 'bule' are adooorred here. and we might as well be if stranded in other coloured region. ihihi..and 3) Other features, such as high cheek bones, narrow lips, pointy nose are also add values. Blah.

Other than that, they'd also observed several people which are regarded 'beautiful' globally. Of course the candidates for the observation goes to celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, you name all beauties!, They'd concluded that there are absolute 'beauty' number : its 1.67 Everything goes with 1.67 (One point six seven). Your lower arm should be 1.67 than your upper arms. Toe to waist should be 1.67 longer than waist to head. Your head diameter should be 1.67 to your neck. etc etc etc...Amazingly They've got the map for all the measurement. See? Beauty and Ideal size is now very much defined. It's that complex.

What boys are thinking might be different to what girls. Each sexes perception on the ideal size is different from what the other gender would perceive on their 'ideal' size. While girls would be happier being more skinny, bulging bones, boys would go to 'more curvy' hawhah...In fact, I believe boys--underconsciously--prefer big hips and boobs, because you guys are searching for ideal 'mother', promoting bodies for delivery and breastfeeding. Mere hypotetical, though.

One thing, belly dancing is not as fun without the flabs. *grin*. I really think so, don't you think so?

I can't deny I'm obsessed with my size. But I louuurrve eating, and I have big frames, so diet wouldn't lead me anywhere lighter. I suppose, 'being in ideal size' is, erhm..no flabs, slightly toned, being able to run 10 laps in a row, and not getting exhausted for the whole day, looking always good in dress rooms, not having to cut off extra length on a pair of new trousers (except for Guess' jeans, they're excruciatingly high heeled!!), having your dream shoes ALWAYS available in your size, no flaaanggee.., no cottage cheeseee..., no choclate crave....no...Oh, stop it. you're losing it Brit.


*)photos worked out from kicey's . I ALWAYS ADORE HER WORKS. One-o-my idol-photographer. ^_^


posted by scttrBrain
8:56 PM

10 put off the silence...Comment!!


Kali ini, foto2 yang diupload berasal dari hunting Aceh yang pertama, waktu survey pra-produksi film Awan, Maret 2006. Cuma 4 hari, kita kliling Aceh bagian Barat: Banda, Meulaboh, pulang lewat Calang. Waktu yang singkat. Jadwal yang padat.Tapi hunting waktu survey tentunya lebih poll dibanding set photos yang pertama (yang diambil saat produksi, yang tentunya harus curi-curi waktu untuk memotret diantara jadwal2 syuting)....Waktu survey ini benar2 digunakan untuk mengenal Aceh, orang-orangnya, kulturnya, alamnya, dan segala upaya disaster relief yang dilakukan berbagai pihak. Hah! entahlah bagaimana caranya mengenal ujung barat Indonesia yang luar biasa luasnya ini dalam waktu 4 hari saja. Saya sendiri pesimis waktu itu. Tapi toh, kita harus tetap pulang membawa hasil.

Waktu saya datang, saya nggak tahu Aceh dulunya seperti apa. Sejarahnya seperti apa, Bagaimana konflik aceh dulu bermula untuk pertama kalinya, Bagaimana ketakutan warga Aceh selama konflik terjadi...., Bagaimana mereka bingung kepada siapa mereka harus berlindung, GAM atau ABRI (atau badan lain yang sengaja mempropagandakan....)karena semuanya sama ganasnya, Bagaimana mereka ketakutan untuk keluar malam2 karena takut tubuh mereka ditemukan dalam bentuk onggokan mayat keesokan paginya, ....Bagaimana Islam bisa menjadi simbol yang sangat mewakili Aceh, bagaimana Aceh sebelum dilanda bencana tsunami yang super dahsyat itu...,Bagaimana mereka diombang-ambing oleh terjangan air---yang astaghfirullah gak bisa kubayangkan kek apa....dan betapa rasa kehilangan yang dirasakan oleh warga Aceh atas sodara-sodara mereka... hmm, betapapun seringkali mereka menceritakan kisah tragis itu dengan tawa, kadang lucu rekamannya di otak, tapi yang jelas, bekas sayatannya masih menganga segar, terpahat dalam pada garis muka mereka, terpatri dalam perilaku, dan kamu, jelas tidak akan ikut tertawa seperti mereka.

Selama 4 hari pertama survey, ada beberapa yang saya amati :
1. Aceh itu SANGAT KAYA, luas, dan KAYA, sekali lagi !Oh, dan Indah. Subhanallah.

2. Warung Kopi Berserakan dimana-mana...hobi mungkin? malah katanya pejabatnya juga hobi nangkring di Warkop!Hm...bersosialisasi mungkin...~_~ entahlah....tapi yang jelas, Kopinya emang makjus...hehe...n cukup buat bikin deg2an in trance semaleman.

3. Aceh, ramai oleh volunteer darimana-mana...kedai burger
berserakan juga. Tapi konon, seringkali banyak keluhan-keluhan dari aparat NGO akan bagaimana mereka diperlakukan balik. hayoo napaa hayoo?!...=( tapi begitulah, Aceh telah menjadi ladang uang, Cash influx, gak ada habisnya. Entah uangnya kek apa, n buat apa. Alhasil, CPI disana pun sudah menjomplang berlipat-lipat...apalagi di

4. Yang lucu, Semua Warung, toko, warkop, resto pinggir jalan punya kursi yang SAMA PERSIS PLEK-PLEK Bentuknya, dari Aceh sampai Meulaboh, bahkan menyebrang ke Sabang. Warna boleh macam-macam, tapi pasti adalah kursi leye-leye (tau kan, kursi besar yang enak banget buat duduk lama-lama, yang kdudukan pantatnya lebih rendah daripada lutut, PeWe Berat),
gak seperti di Bandung, yang rata-rata adalah bangku yang cuma muat setengah pantat. Wuah. entah siapa supplier n produsen kursi leye-leye itu, tapi pasti sudah KAYA berat!

5. Hmm..Entah siapa yang harus lebih ditakuti, Polisi Syariah atau Yang Diatas. Seringkali geli melihat pemandangan disana : Jilbab poll menutupi kepala, tapi tangan pendek kaos nan ketat. ~_~...Hope it's not becoming mere symbols, Islam. Oh y, kepikiran nonton konser di Aceh bersama keluarga? sepertinya harus bawa Hape masing-masing tuh...karena hijabnya dibagi 5 : Laki2 beristri, Laki-laki lajang, Wanita Bersuami, Perawan (halah bahasanya), dan Anak-anak...well, setidaknya itu menurut Badan Syariah Islam sana waktu kita minta izin membuat layar tancap untuk rakyat Aceh. *mumet juga* . Tapi gw takjub ama caranya mereka mempertahankan hukum syariah nya...ckckck..
6. Walau selama perjalanan kami disuguhi pemandangan yang totally stunning, tapi jalanan hutan antar kota masih rawan katanya...Terbukti supir kami ngebut terus2an sepanjang perjalanan, gak pernah mau berhenti padahal perjalanan bisa sampai 12 jam dari Meulaboh ke Banda Aceh. Konon dia pernah disandera GAM sampai 3 hari.Walau setelah disandera itu dia menyimpulkan klau orang GAM secara pribadi baik-baik, tapi kalau dilihat dari
ngebutnya siih...hmm...

7. Nggak ada bubur ayam trus Masakan goreng-gorengan : Nasi goreng, Mie Goreng pake bawang merah gak
digoreng dengan kuantitas yang nggilani. Banyak. HAAAHHH!! Feel the breathe. Menurutku, hehe, enakan Mie Aceh jalan Bali dibandingin Mie Aceh disana. Waduh. lidah ngaco nih.
8. Nyupir di Aceh, waduh. Boro-boro pake seatbelt, wong Kaga ada polisi lalintas, kaga ada lampu lalintas, hehe...Udah tau kan, klo supir Sumatera itu yang paling gape , nah. diantara supir2 sumatera, supir dari Aceh rajanya deh! oh ya, n lagi, orang-orangnya nekat, kek gak takut mati. Kenapa? Waduh, klo ditilik secara historis psikologis, bisa panjang observasi causal effectnya ya...Yuk Marii...
9. Hooh...Yang paling membuat takjub. Benar-benar kebesaran Allah. Hhh *bahkan sekarang pun saya menghela nafas..., takjub kalau mengingat pemandangan itu*......semua, and I mean ALL-SEMUA-EACH Masjid, dimanapun saya melihat: Banda Aceh, Ule Lueue, Lok Nga', Meulaboh, Calang, di kampung, di kota, dimanapun, tidak perduli jauh dekatnya dengan pantai, tidak perduli betapa rata tanah disebelah-sebelahnya, tidak perduli betapa sekitarannya sangat sepi penduduk akibat diterjang tsunami, ......setiap Masjid berdiri dengan kokohnya. ....subhanallah...
Haha...Observasi 4 hari gitu lho, mungkin beberapa memang tidak valid...Toh, ternyata terbukti salah juga waktu produksi, waktu sy berkesempatan mengenal lebih dalam beberapa orang asli Aceh. They're truly generous. Indeed. =D Miss you guys. Tapi ya, emang gak bisa totem pro parte ato pars pro toto juga sih. Hah, memang seharusnya saya gak ngejudge gimana2...mangap deh klo gitu..

Gambar yang ada dalam photoset semuanya diambil waktu survey untuk mencari set barak, maka kebanyakan berlatar barak dengan aktivitas warga didalamnya. Yang paling mencolok pada barak-barak yang dikunjungi (semuanya di Meulaboh), adalah anak-anaknya BANYAK sekali. Anak-anak memang makhluk yang paling menyenangkan untuk dijadikan objek foto. No pretense, senang berpose, dan PASTI lucu. ;p. Dan, semuanya lagi gemar2nya naik sepeda. Kebetulan juga lagi ada rally sepeda mini waktu itu. Entah darimana mereka dapat sepeda-sepeda itu. Mungkin beli, mungkin dikasih. Tapi semua nampak punya.

Anak-anak, sesuci apapun jiwa mereka, tidak mungkin tidak tersentuh oleh bencana maha dasyat yang telah menyelimuti kehidupan, dan menghujam mereka pada akhirnya. Terlalu lama mereka berada dibalik gelembungnya. Well, supposedly gelembung itu skarang sudah pecah. Reborn!

Teman-teman di Aceh, you'd betta stand for yourselves guys...2010 gak lama lagi lho...

*)) gambar atas kanan:alahmak. kampring pisan. bergaya TKI nyasar
di Ule Lueue Port, Banda Aceh.


posted by scttrBrain
10:06 PM

1 put off the silence...Comment!!

an Epicure..et..allez cuisine! =p~


Food, has become an ultimate source of happiness...wakakak...i'm so totally exagerating. but, yea it is. At least for me. I eat everything. Call me a meat-lover, veg-covet, dairy-addict, crave-for-sugar, pasta-la-masta! Hah!. Okai. I wouldn't be a substitute for Mr Bondan, the culiner traveler-the real epicure he is, but hey you'd be happy hanging around w/ me when your stomach's craving for supplies! =D especially when you're in a mood of treating. I'm in! I'm IN !

:D This last 2 month, I've been putting up a new hobby. It's actually the circumstance that'd put me in the --well, eventually I guess--new hobby. I've never been so homey since.. I dunno when! Ey! Hehe. but I'm loving it. yep I'm into the culinary stuff. I love having my PC in the kitchen, giving me instant access to all recipes on the net, while I could open the fridge, and dash a bit to chop and shimmer on the stove...Huumm...You tell me, but suppose according to Industrial Engineering layout design principles, my pc-kitchen layout, c'est parfait! ;p

This one is tonite's meal. This week we're having tongue meat. as we've got plenty from last Lebaran stock out from my hometown. It's practically all over the menu. =p, so tongue meat everyday, yesterday's spaghetti tongue, today's tongue-steak, tomorrow..[let me figure that out tomorrow]. Next week, I bet would be Brain Week. We've got pile of Cow's brain too !! iyeeii!! :D Love'em! Slurrpp...

Anyway, sorry for vegetarians! You've got all the pleasure to miss everything G-O-O-D on this 4 legged world of ours. Ehehe..But, Salute for all of you who are, for the sacrifices you've made. Hehe Ehe.

Nb : Btw, that lips ain't mine! Grab it up at bighugelabs.com

posted by scttrBrain
9:21 PM

1 put off the silence...Comment!!

[Look Out the Window] On flights


Dari dulu, selalu nyesel klo naek pesawat gak bawa kamera...kapan lagi si brada di atas awan...

Pas ke Aceh kemaren, karena emang tugasnya moto, kebetulan gembolan kamera selalu ada di pangkuan...kamera SLR 35 mm lho...I'm sticking with the conventional, that's the way I like it. --hiih...padahal kagak ada duit aja buat beli yang digital...kamera SLR ntu pun pinjaman dari Gosh..FE-2-ku terlalu jadul, keren, tapi kadang tidak praktis.

...ternyata teman2ku waktu itu lebih antusias motret diatas pesawat dibanding aku. SLRku pun dikudeta. Well, apa daya abis juga satu roll cuma buat moto2 luar jendela...sial, BOROSSS!!! pelm gitu lho, bukan digital. Buaanyak banget. gitu2 aja lagi gambarnya! Kalo gw paling ngabisin 3 frame juga dah cukup. Tapi d-Uh. mereka itu...prat pret prat pret kadang ngincer pramugari juga...malu2in...mana bunyi shutter nya, gak bisa di-Mute. mending tidur aja dah, pura2 gak kenal.

[Yah, ini hasilnya foto mereka. emang ga jelas moto apaan. banyakan langit blutek--gak segitunya d--, kebun klapa sawit keliatan dari atas--yah standar aerial fotografi lah, buat peta kali lucu, foto pramugrari (pengennya) tapi karena shutter lambat, jadi pramugarinya gak keliatan n cuma keliatan lorong pesawat yang berpendar kuning...hehe.. daripada ni foto2 gak jadi apa2...gw bikin beginian dah...sebenernya lagi eksperimen sok2 gaya viewfinder gitu,...coba2...goreng si, gak seperti yang diharapkan, emang dasar fotonya bgtu doang...tapi dibanding cuma nangkring di salah satu folder gw...Here you go]

Anyway, I ALWAYS hate flights. I hate the neverending tremor both on take off and landing. urgh. Apalagi pake maskapai yang menjanjikan 'sapapun bisa terbang', sayapnya mungkin nempel gara2 disilotip doang [iya lho, haha]. Ato, udah pernah pake Deraya? Kapal kecil penumpang cuma 20 ituu...ya ampun goyang nya...mengerikan...., Ato pengalaman dulu waktu kecil pake Bouraq, bisingnya....kek semuanya mo pretel pas mo take off....~_~ heuu...Tapi, teuteup, spare me a seat by the window! ^_^

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posted by scttrBrain
9:33 AM

5 put off the silence...Comment!!


enjoy and please, comment! =D

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posted by scttrBrain
6:32 AM

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. m . e . m . e . n . t . o .


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