Food, has become an ultimate source of happiness...wakakak...i'm so totally exagerating. but, yea it is. At least for me. I eat everything. Call me a meat-lover, veg-covet, dairy-addict, crave-for-sugar, pasta-la-masta! Hah!. Okai. I wouldn't be a substitute for Mr Bondan, the culiner traveler-the real epicure he is, but hey you'd be happy hanging around w/ me when your stomach's craving for supplies! =D especially when you're in a mood of treating. I'm in! I'm IN !
:D This last 2 month, I've been putting up a new hobby. It's actually the circumstance that'd put me in the --well, eventually I guess--new hobby. I've never been so homey since.. I dunno when! Ey! Hehe. but I'm loving it. yep I'm into the culinary stuff. I love having my PC in the kitchen, giving me instant access to all recipes on the net, while I could open the fridge, and dash a bit to chop and shimmer on the stove...Huumm...You tell me, but suppose according to Industrial Engineering layout design principles, my pc-kitchen layout, c'est parfait! ;p
This one is tonite's meal. This week we're having tongue meat. as we've got plenty from last Lebaran stock out from my hometown. It's practically all over the menu. =p, so tongue meat everyday, yesterday's spaghetti tongue, today's tongue-steak, tomorrow..[let me figure that out tomorrow]. Next week, I bet would be Brain Week. We've got pile of Cow's brain too !! iyeeii!! :D Love'em! Slurrpp...
Anyway, sorry for vegetarians! You've got all the pleasure to miss everything G-O-O-D on this 4 legged world of ours. Ehehe..But, Salute for all of you who are, for the sacrifices you've made. Hehe Ehe.
Nb : Btw, that lips ain't mine! Grab it up at bighugelabs.com
Brit...gue jadi pengen makan...canggih emang loe ya
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