It's not even January.
It's not even the beginning of February.
Have I missed it? Has it been stale?
What's with the ultimate count down on 31st Dec?
What makes it different on 12.59.59 that nite with 00.00.01 the next morning?
It's supposed to be mere continuum,
But still, a sense of erase and rewind is what's commonly felt.
the alteration of the year usually become the time when we wrap what we already had at that time,
Start to open a new wrapping sheet,
Design what kinda gift we would want to wrap up in the end of the next termine, the next new year
starting all over again.
Making up our mistakes---well for this one, you'd do it later after life, though. hahhehe
No. It's not erase and rewind. it's erase and forward. It charges new spirit into you.
It was supposed to be the moment when you can stop, asks yourself 'Am I happy?'. Answer,'yes!' and move on. Hahhaa. it's that brief happiness is, as always--doesn't it?. But always worth reminiscing.
Neah, I'm not into those things. I mean planning. hahahaa....Resolution would usually be re-solution for the next round...I never plan my life for a whole one year, Hahha! beat it for those who encourage me to build a 3 years vision and mission. :p I can't make my plan for a year, and you want me to make 3 or 5 or 10 years ?!! You're not getting it! I just can't seem to be able to do it. Not that I don't want to achieve something, the light in the end of the road is somewhat imminent, I know what I'm doing and for what means do I do what I do, now. I know that everyday's a lesson should reflect on yesterday's mistakes and turns downs. I know what I build today is for tomorrow. So do it just right and on my max, coz you can't turn back time. But that's it. As continuum as time can be, I only have past and present. Where my present is better than my past--My future will then lead. Hopefully.
That was about making plan--which I do zilch. nada. BUt on the minutes change of the year, I'd like it to be memorable. Hee hee
- This year 2008 I was fortunate to have it somewhat great. Awaiting countdown in Asakusa, Tokyo.
- Last Year, It was truly pathetic, spent the change of the year 2007 in my laboratory, Alone doing my final assignment.crash and burn!!
- The Year before that, the change to 2006 was also helluva fun. I was on 4 day Ujung Kulon trekking trip, on a grassy field viewing the beach, though alas, on the very minute of 00.00.00, it was raining heavily. So....So long the count down.
- Changing to 2005...it was that party in LFM.
- Changing to 2004...err it's getting harder....awI forgot. !!! Oh my. so far is my memory. I can't remember which occasion is when.
I am already sleepy. Betta go to bed now. Hm, One thing for sure. Over the year, my persona has evolved tremendously. Thanks to people surrounds me to whom I respect, love and always learn from. You guys and girls have been inspiration to me..Please stay so. I'm not planning on stop changing--for better me. *hugs everybodaeeeiiii* ..... ^^V OK ok. I'm getting delirious. Bye for now.
aww.. love this post...the erase and forward part...
eniwei, making a 3 or 5 years or just call it long term plan is easier than to make a 1 year plan.. believe me.. thehehe... at least don't even try to make it as a detailed-structured plan, let it be only pieces of dreams, and still leave the rest to time and GOD..
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