There's nothing nice bout being sick.
Infact, there's NOTHING WORSE than being SICK.
Err....(Let me speak with you for a moment, site-viewers )Sorry for the rumbling, but FYI,the writer is caught by vericella virus for these last five days. Hehe, it's that famous 'Chicken-Pox'--for I dunno why would human disease be called akin to some avian or food-mouth disease. Anyway, she can't actually 'do' anything because the only thing the brain would mind is the aggravating itches all over her body!, so pardon.
Anyway, I'd like to say thanks for all the support, guys. Luv and mIss You!.. Now let's just let her rumble all the way through and pretend you don't hear a thing, ok?
I've been all messed up. The target's down my friend, and my schedule ruined!I dunno where the heck did I get this virus. and over all, In this particular moment of my life! It's the last thing that I need!
Oh c'mon...
What C'mon C'MOn?!
Don't deny you're not having quite a holiday
What? a holiday mending my blisters?!
There's some fun in it...
Oh, you mention fun. let's see...
First, this comes up in a particular moment when I should be most fit of all times.
Maybe you're pushing it too harsh..that you're not fit anymore.
Second, Its catasthropic to my pursual. Let's see I'd missed Careerdays, and The Art Fair!!! Argh I hate missing that fest!! and might tore down my spirit for this *project-you-don't-wanna-mention*!
it's not that horrible...
Third, this blisters are really annoying! I wanna have bath! I wish they'd just fall off!!
ok. ok. it's not that much fun then.
O b v i o u s l y. What is anyway!?
There IS some fun. Hmmm....
You don't call laying-laying lazy through the day-somekinda.. fun?.
You don't call marathoning One Littre Of Tears, well despite making your pillowcase soaked-somekinda.. fun?
You don't call watching LOTR
You don't call running full series of Friends finale season-somekinda.. fun?
You don't call having ALL the time in a day for consuming your pirated cd un-watched-yet-despite som-o-them ain't workin'
And don't mention all the time you can spend reading your have-no-time-to-read-yet-bought books...Wouuhhh...
You don't even have to worry of feeling guilty not 'doing' anything coz anyhow your brain only mind bout the itchies and cannot bear any other than mere indulgence whatsoeva!! See? It's not that bad. being sick.
You don't call..all those affection from people around you-somekinda..nice?
Admit it, It's practically a HOLIDAY!
Yea But..
And stop blaming the disease. Now you should better learn to measure yourself. It's not all about "We Believe in Ourselves" or more ego version,"I Believe in Myself". Because it's NOT US who rules OUR LIVES! Remember?!
*) artwork in blisters : "in blisteres, not so much fun.eyk"
Labels: my-so-called-art
>>> Infact, there's NOTHING WORSE than being SICK.
Humm, being sick is unpleasant, but having nobody cares about you gives more pain. Hehe :p
(hehe.. intinya sih, meskipun sakit, tapi kalo masih ada yang ngurusin and merhatiin, gak terlalu nyebelin kali..)
yep. bener banget. IT's one of the nice thing being sick. having people's affection. The other 'me' has mentioned it. =D
anyway, thx for the motivation ri...
ada yang bilang kalo sakit itu menghapus dosa *satu sisi positif yg lain* semoga lekas sembuh *liat tulisan di botol obat*
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