A very good friend of mine dropped by last week end. A big surprise that I hadn't been seeing him for some while. Another surprise was that he bought me a souvenir from Sukabumi, his home town. He held it very carefully and handed it to me. A bigger surprise : it's not any usual souvenir!! It's turtle's eggs!! AAAWWWW!!! Well, suppose I shouldn't be promoting another species extinction out of this world, but I couldn't resist either. they say the eggs are good for low-tension, so on so on. So I kept 'em. And until now, I don't believe that I should eat them. or I could. would I?. Aw, so much now, I have much to tell but next week I suppose, would be a better time to continue this post (haven't got time, but I do got time to make myself a greeting card, below). ..ihihi...
Anywei, everybody, despite the depraving sin, wish me luck.

It's been a week after the actual post date. Come to think of baby-turtles, I'm now considering myself as one. See? I'm like a baby turtle who just crawled up to the sea. touching the salty water for the first time, eager to know the world underneath the sea surface...And I'm in. Swimming for the first time. Anyway,
And oh it's still feel so awful to have them for supper! I haven't actually, they're still in my fridge, but sure you wouldn't expect them to hatch there, rite? Anyway, imagine a baby turtle, by the time they're struggling to get out from their egg shell, they're already alone. Not to mention the harsh seaside journey they'd have to endure, in a very very slow pace, reaching for the water. Outta few dozens, maybe only few that could actually reach the sea and swim underneath it. The others, are probably just didn't make it, encountered a feisty sea bird, or a crab, or a sea lion. hehe...gee, I don't really know what's goin on out there for these little creatures, it must be really harsh. But the most pitiful of'em are those, who's been picked by senseless man outta their holes, even before it hatches, got it handed over coupla hands for a souvenir (#$@#!), souvenir for another senseless creature (er, like me) and ended up in a cold fridge in a kitchen.
turtle eggs??? a rare thing.
try to be consistant brit,
someday you're naturalist and then not? not gut! hehe.
I haven't eaten them. yeah I'm in dillema. hawhaha...
never consider myself as a naturalist, though I love the nature, 'the outdoor sense', and the adventure.ihihi..tapi emang si, ini kelewatan.
sebenernya PA ku bukan Pencinta Alam, tapi Penjelajah Alam. see the difference? bukan pembenaran, though.Salam Rimba!
hope noone would ever steal more turtle eggs though, even for me. ~_~
dem, i thought that only one EGG (without s :D)
surely u'll have 2 eat 'em brit, or just give 'em 2 ur cats (have any cat?),coz i think they won't complaint if the eggs are 2 rare or even tutung :p
just don't fry them..
poor little turtles...
boil them instead.
Hei Brit...
Keren blog lue, bagi2 dong...
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